Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Day in the Life of My Mom

Lady V here...

It's been too too long since I've updated on here, and that was what I was afraid of.

I had a blog-worthy day yesterday which has brought me back.

Quick update though:
  • My job is awesome. I have my own office, which I love. I've booked two events so far, although neither were from my cold calling. But I'm very comfortable on the phone and am having good conversations with people and starting to develop that relationship that I want.
  • I've been babysitting a ton, but enjoying it, for the most part. I have 5 families that I work for, 2 being less often than the rest. But, it's great money and great experience. I've become really close with one of the families and that has added a whole new aspect of my life that I really enjoy.
  • I am continuing to lose weight, although it is going slow. I hit -31 before Christmas and with the combination of a friend's birthday outing (I never drink!) and Christmas (where my mom makes a ton of Italian sausages, spare ribs, and meatballs), I am now at -26 and pushing hard. I could definitely be doing better, which I'm always striving for. but I love food too much :(
  • No comment on the celibacy. It's better for the both of us, trust me.

My Blog Worthy Day

I went to the mall yesterday with my mom, my dad and my little sister/cousin. Our day started at the Food Court, of course.

I go to Sbarro's with my little cousin. The guy serving her is real cute. Someone I can see as my boyfriend. Which was a weird thought, to be honest. To think about dating someone else, being someone else's girlfriend, experiencing new things with a new person. It kind of bugged me out. (and yes, I'm crazy and my thoughts lead from some cute boy whose name I don't even know, to falling in love with someone new, him being a potential candidate. But I'm a girl, isn't that normal?)

So then, my mom and I go to Blimpie. Now, there is always some kind of problem at this Blimpie stand. I went one time, and asked for a toasted sandwich. They took the bread, added the meat and cheese and went to put the sandwich in the sandwich press. I asked if they could put the lettuce and mayo on the sandwich before putting it in the press, because that's how I felt a toasted sandwich (with the panini press) was made. They made a big stink about it, saying that that wasn't the way they did it. Ok, so maybe that's not how they did it, but that's how I wanted it. What's the problem with that? What harm does it do to them?

Another time, my mom asked if the sandwich could be cut into three. They made a big stink about how they couldn't do it, they could only cut it into four. And it's always this one guy who makes the stink!

So this time, my mom and I are sharing a foot long sandwich. I asked for it to be toasted, she doesn't want it like that. She asks for half of it to be toasted (which, yes, is kind of an annoying request, then it kinda becomes two different sandwiches). The guy says no and starts to make a big stink. Well, my mom goes OFF on him! Talking about calling the Blimpie headquarters and reporting him, calling the Better Business Bureau, cursing at him, saying he's awful, telling everyone on like he's a jerk, saying some stuff about "this is America", just going crazy. I'm standing there, "Mom, please stop. Please." So embarrassed. We walk away and she goes "Whew! I've been dying to do that to him!" This is very typical of my mom, but it's always great to laugh at afterward.

So we get on the elevators, and a group of your typical, skinny, white, 15-year-olds walk in before us. As we go down, one of them says "Oh my god! I love going down on the elevator, that feeling it gives you in your stomach!" I'm not really paying attention to what they are saying, but looking back at my mom who is DYING to get in their conversation, leaning towards them and smiling. This causes me to crack up laughing. The group of girls think I'm laughing at them and scream "fuck you!" as they get out of the elevator. That causes me to laugh more. Because of that, I should have laughed at them in the first place.

Well, here's to a new year! I'm really looking forward to it. My resolutions are:
  • Save at least $50 a month, no matter what. Aim for more, of course.
  • Don't be so lazy. Park far away from stores, take stairs if it is an option, bend down to pick something up instead of ignoring it, etc. out!